Friday, May 25, 2012

The Real Chernobyl Diaries

The movie "Chernobyl Diaries" does have a grain of truth to it: the nearby city of Pripyat has been opened for tourism. No mutants though. (That they've admitted to, anyway.)

Photographer Gerd Ludwig's "'Long Shadow of Chernobyl" contains some moving photos of the area and the people affected. Unfortunately, it's only available as an iPad app, but some can be viewed at the Boston Globe's site.

The picture at right had the following caption:

"In Pripyat, visitors get to wander through the debris-strewn corridors and empty classrooms of a school. Hundreds of discarded gas masks litter the floor of the canteen. One tourist brought his own gas mask—not to protect himself from the radiation but simply for photographs and giggles."

At last, an opportunity to use my leopard-skin gonad shield.